"Trump wird so weit gehen wie möglich"
Harvard-Professor Daniel Ziblatt erforscht, "wie Demokratien sterben". Donald Trump werde viel Schaden anrichten, sagt er. So schlimm wie in Ungarn werde es aber nicht.
Harvard-Professor Daniel Ziblatt erforscht, "wie Demokratien sterben". Donald Trump werde viel Schaden anrichten, sagt er. So schlimm wie in Ungarn werde es aber nicht.
CES Director Daniel Ziblatt interviewed by CES JFK Memorial Policy Fellow Wolfgang Merkel on Trumpism.
Two CES Undergraduate Associates, Addie Esposito and Taylor Fang, were elected to Harvard’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.
CES Visiting Scholar Alberto Alemanno analyzes what a rightward shift in the balance of power means for the centrist majority that has governed Europe since the EU’s creation.
During her visit at CES, EU Ambassador to the US Jovita Neliupšienė spoke with The Harvard Crimson about the future of the transatlantic relationship.
CES Resident Faculty Daniel Ziblatt is featured on The New Yorker Radio Hour on the new democratic minority.
"Europe is presently adrift on shifting tides rather than in control of its direction," writes Art Goldhammer, CES Local Affiliate, in The Toqueville Review.
"The tragic reascent of Trump is not an anomaly to democracy but its fatal flaw," says CES Resident Faculty Peter Gordon in recent article in Boston Review.
Daniel Ziblatt on the consequences of Trump's re-election for democracy and the global rise of autocracy.
Daniel Ziblatt analyzed the international implications of President-elect Donald Trump’s 2024 win at a Wednesday afternoon Weatherhead Center for International Affairs forum.