President, Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD); President, 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, (2012-2013); Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, (2007-2012)
Executive Director, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
September 26, 2022
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
On September 20, 2002, Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic visited Harvard University and delivered a historic speech outlining his vision for Serbia's democratic transition (see his speech "Serbian Dawn: Regeneration and Renewal"). Six months later, he was assassinated. In this seminar, Serbia's former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Harvard alumnus Vuk Jeremić will assess the current state of democracy in Serbia. As a student leader, Jeremić actively opposed the regime of Slobodan Milošević and was instrumental in bringing Đinđić to speak at Harvard.