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Seminar on Democracy: Past, Present, and Future

Populism After Trump

March 4, 2021
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Virtual/RSVP Required

Seminar on Democracy: Past, Present, and Future

Populism After Trump

March 4, 2021
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Virtual/RSVP Required
March 4, 2021
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Virtual/RSVP Required
Video recording 1h:28m

Does the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 election signal the end of populism globally? While some populist leaders, such as Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, felt emboldened by Trump's presidency, other populist and right-wing movements, including those in France and Germany, were independent of his leadership and remain largely unaffected by his defeat. This seminar will explore the future of populism in Europe, Latin America, and the United States and assess if their fortunes will wax or wane.

Note: This event requires registration. Please click here to register.


Photo Credit: WikiCommon


  • Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) – Research Unit on Transformations of Democracy
  • Central European University – Democracy Institute
  • Collegium Civitas – Centre for Studies of Democracy, Civil Society and Political Elites
  • Johns Hopkins University - SNF Agora Institute