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Coexistence with the Enemy? French Jewish Youth and the Vichy Regime

December 3, 2014
5:15pm - 7:00pm
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
December 3, 2014
5:15pm - 7:00pm
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall

Despite Vichy's implication in the Holocaust, this talk aims to explore the temporary potential for coexistence between Jews of French citizenship and the Vichy regime. A focus on the specific category of French Jewish youth in the period before the Germans invaded the non-Occupied Zone in November 1942 reveals important exceptions to the regime's antisemitic agenda. While Jews were marginalized from the civil service and liberal professions, the New Order did not seek to exclude young French Jews from taking part in a series of youth projects that aimed to rebuild France in the aftermath of its defeat to Germany. For a time, ideas surrounding scouting, a return to the land, and manual labor converged and rendered Jewish participation viable. After this point, Vichy's drastic policy changed, and coupled with the total occupation of France by German forces in November 1942, reduced the possibilities for cooperation almost to nothing.

